Preparing for the jobs of the future requires the proper training and qualifications. In order to support candidates prepare for the 10 most in-demand jobs, and to help the vulnerable and underserved youth of Lebanon stand out to recruiters, the BDD Academy has partnered with the World Bank Group, Microsoft, LinkedIn and GitHub, under the SUM initiative, to offer key FREE courses and Microsoft certifications. By enrolling, candidates can tap into the three most in-demand technical careers, along with 7 other learning paths.
The certifications are open for fresh graduates, professionals and individuals seeking new career opportunities, who have been impacted by the economic situation, the Beirut blast or require financial support to access quality education. The initiative stems from an effort to upskill the workforce, and open up the job prospects for aspiring professionals in Lebanon. By enrolling in these courses, candidates can tap into the top 10 most in-demand jobs, and be part of the digital transformation post COVID-19. Each certification has been carefully selected based on the positions with the greatest number of job openings, recording steady growth over the past four years, and that pay sizable salaries.
As the global economy continues to transform, digital skills are more important than ever. As such, the courses and certifications have been carefully tailored to guide aspiring talent to find the perfect career, and develop the skills needed to become more competitive in the workplace.
The three Microsoft Learning paths include:
- Software Developer (Top in-demand skills: Programming, storage, networking, security, and deployment; HTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, Python)
- Data Analyst (Top in-demand skills: Data analysis, analytics, visualization; Microsoft Excel, SQL, BI, Tableau)
- IT Administrator (Top in-demand skills: Manage systems, subscriptions, configuration, and identity; Windows Server, Active Directory)
In total, 18 Microsoft certifications are also available, such as Azure Fundamentals, Microsoft 365 Associate, Security Administrator, Data analyst Associate. By registering, candidates can enroll in these courses for free, which typically cost upwards of USD 100 to USD 160. In addition, candidates looking to acquire new skills and qualifications can enroll in 7 other free learning paths, including Financial Analyst, Digital Marketing and Graphic Design positions.
“At the BDD Academy, we are very pleased to be a part of this initiative to foster the skills needed for a rapidly changing world,” shares Mouhamad Rabah, CEO of BDD. “What has been demonstrated this year, a lightening speeds, is that the world has already transformed digitally, almost overnight, and rising talents need the right skills to become more competitive when designing their careers,” he adds.
To learn more about the certifications, and to apply to be selected out of the 1,000 candidates to benefit from the free self-paced certifications, visit the website here and fill out the application form before December 20, 2020.
Grow your skills, to tap into the jobs of tomorrow.
More information
About the World Bank Group
The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development. The World Bank Group is governed by 189 member countries and delivers services out of 130 offices with nearly 16,000 staff globally.
About Skilling Up Mashreq
The World Bank Group launched the Skilling Up Mashreq (SUM) initiative which aims at addressing which aims at addressing the digital skills gap by preparing young women and men in Lebanon and the Mashreq region for the local, regional and global jobs of the future and attracting digital technology players to invest in the region. In Lebanon, the World Bank Group has partnered with the BDD Academy to design and implement a national skilling up program to improve access to digital skills learning opportunities for children in school, youth in universities, and active individuals in the workforce to strive and reap the benefit of a digital economy.
About the BDD Academy
The BDD Academy is a non for profit organization aiming to develop the skillset of people from all backgrounds to fulfill the digital jobs of today and tomorrow. It supports the new generation of educational programs in testing and developing their curriculum, sourcing participants and scaling. The BDD Academy is an incubator of educational programs at the intersection of design, technology and leadership targeting Kids, University Students and Continuous Learners.